Third Friday Birthday Party: Wendell Berry & "How to be a Poet"

  • 20 Aug 2021
  • 7:00 PM
  • Zoom link to be shared upon registration


Registration is closed

Themed Third Friday Birthday Parties

On Friday, August 20th, at 7 p.m. over Zoom let's celebrate the poet Wendell Berry (b. August 5, 1934). To prepare for the evening, please read his poem “How to be a Poet.” Then, either bring your own poem about being a poet to read OR write a new poem about being a poet that is somehow inspired by Berry’s poem. Special Fun: Poets with August birthdays will get to read their poet poems and/or one or two other poems as the first part of our program. After that, we’ll have an open mic where poet poems (or any other kind) are welcome!

Mark your calendar for these upcoming Themed Third Friday Birthday Parties:

August 20: Come celebrate Wendell Berry and "How to be a Poet"

September 17: Come celebrate May Oliver and "The Summer Day"